Don’t dare to go to work without this!

Ramiro Lepe
3 min readOct 24, 2020

So it’s Sunday night, you may be driving home from a friends bbq, or maybe a nice weekend at the beach. You still have the sweet memories of the great great conversation that you had with your loved ones or maybe you still have the taste of the salted air as you let the crisp ocean air hit your face. Then a reality hits, you have to go to work in the morning.

I hope that you are one of those that absolutely love your job, but the reality is that many of you dread going into work. But you have dreams, ambitions and of course bills to pay. So how does one get over this mental hump? Well everyone has an answer… some will tell you to suck it up, other say be grateful you have a job but for me, I will tell you to gather your thoughts and go to work with intent.

Intent will make the vast difference between a mediocre week or a phenomenal experience. Now when I say intent, I don’t mean just go out there and get your day over with, instead I mean look at your work obligations… and crush them!

At one point you wanted this job anyways. Think back to when you got the call from the recruiter and they invited you in for an interview. You felt nervous. You then walked in to the boardroom where you had a panel interview, you all the sudden put your game face on, you got confident and you earned your position. Perhaps going back to the excitement of the job offer will set you straight. Now it’s time to deliver on your promise… on the response you gave when they asked you “why should we hire you?”.

Now here’s the thing, you have to go to work each day with an intent. If you are an underwriter you must protect the interest of your company. If you are an attorney you have a duty to litigate and protect your client. Salespeople, you must not only got your objectives but you need to over deliver. Your intent must be greater than your angst. It must define your work ethic.

Maybe you feel that your boss or company does not value you. Well guess what? It doesn’t matter! Your intent is just that, yours. Be the best at what you do, overdeliver always and own your space. Be the best at what you do and let your results catapult your career to the next level.

I strongly recommend that you plan out your week. Keep a close eye on your goals and hold yourself accountable. This means block out time for your revenue earning activities. So get to prospecting, consulting, learning and most of all be the best version of yourself that you can be.

When you feel your motivation start to lack, remember your why. Identify it, refer back to it and use it as fuel to catapult you past your own mental blocks. You can do it! I believe in you.

Be the best, have intent and be sure to not go to work without it!




Ramiro Lepe

I Help Medium & Heavy Duty Fleets Switch To Electric, With Zero to Low-Infrastructure Costs